The Beauty of a Life Walking with God(A Learning through the Life of Joseph)

The Lord was with Joseph whether in good times or in bad and it was mentioned twice in Genesis Chapter 39 (v.2, v. 21).
He was with Joseph when he was shepherding the sheep of his father. The Lord was also with Joseph when he was sold to Egypt, up to the time of his imprisonment, and until he became the governor and regent in Egypt, next to Pharaoh.
Because the Lord was with Joseph, he became successful in his career, he gain favor among men, and he became the testimony of the greatness and the goodness of God among his people and the Egyptians. (Genesis 39:2-4, 21-23; 41:46-57; 45:4-8; 50:19-21)
As we take a closer look on Joseph’s life, we see how all things works together for the good of those who love God, and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).
Given that fact, let us not focus on Joseph’s achievements in life, but instead on his secret. Let us study what makes Joseph gain the favor of God.
(1) One distinct character of Joseph is he always refuses sin and always runaways from sin. (Genesis 39:7-13).
When Potiphar’s wife is tempting Joseph to sleep with her, Joseph still decided to honor God and runaway from temptation even though it will cause him persecution and imprisonment.
(2) Joseph knows his identity and purpose, and he accepted it wholeheartedly (Genesis 45:4-8; 50:19-21).
Joseph knew that God intended him to experience brokenness and hardship for a greater purpose, and that is salvation of his family and his people. Therefore, instead of harboring hatred for his brothers, he accepted his calling and expressed his thankfulness to God by fulfilling his purpose in Egypt and honoring God before his family and men.
In conclusion, we can only enjoy the beauty of a life walking with God if: (1) We live a life of complete abstinence from sin first, and (2) live our life glorifying God among men.
Remember Matthew 1:21 says that Jesus came to save us from sin. Therefore, not unless we already leave the life of sin, we are still not save, and God cannot operate in our lives.
Secondly, we have to glorify God in this body – no longer I that lives but Christ lives in me (Galatians 2:20). Why? Simply because we are the living sacrifice, that God wants (Romans 12:1). This is what constitutes true worship to God.
Lastly, all the blessings of this life are only part of the package after we finished building first the Kingdom of God in our life (Matthew 6:33).
You see, the blessings of a life walking with God is already being layout by God and we saw it in Joseph’s life. What we have to know and do is the secret on how to live that kind of life.
Note: Sacrificing comfort so that you'll be free from sin. That is what happened to Joseph. He flee away from temptation that results on him being framed up and imprisoned on the surface, but glorify God behind the scene. That is the overall picture. The battle is comfort of life unto eternal death Vs sacrifice unto eternal life.