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Learning From These People

As I read the Book of Genesis, I stumble among these people who showed full dedication and devotion to God.

1. Abraham’s Servant

On making a very crucial decision on finding a wife for his master, he ask for the Lord’s guidance and help (Genesis 24:15)

As a result, the Lord answered his prayer even before he finish praying. (Genesis 24:15).

A fully dedicated Christians do not depend on his own wisdom and strength, but always ask for the Lord’s guidance very step of the way. (See Proverbs 3:5-8)

2. Isaac

In the time of mourning for his mother’s death, Isaac went out to spend time with God and meditate. Because of that, God comforted him through sending Rebekah, his wife (Genesis 24:62-67).

If we are fully dedicated to God, every time that we are mourning, uncomfortable or in distress, we do not find comfort on wrong places, but instead we seek for God’s comfort all the more and cling more to Him and His promises.

3. Jacob

As a second son, Jacob is not as privileged as his older brother Esau, but he is persistent to get the attention of God, even in his most cunning ways.

(a) For once, he knows that Esau does not value his birthright, so Jacob cheated him on exchanging it with a temporary bowl of soup. If Esau values his birthright, no matter how hungry he is, he will never exchange it on a temporary comfort of food. In simple sense, a true Christian values his or her identity and he/she will never exchange it for a temporary comfort or happiness. Jacob values it more than Esau even though he do not have the right yet. Even though he is not entitled, he will take every opportunity presented to him to have that privilege (Genesis 25:29-34). In the new covenant faith, we are also not as privilege as the Jewish people were and still are. However, God opens the door to salvation to us, through His Son Jesus Christ and John 1:12 says to those who believe, and to those who receives, He gave them the right to became children of God. So we have to start from there in order to get the attention of God like Jacob.

(b) Jacob wrestles with the angel to get the attention of God and prevail. As a result of this persistence: (1) God protects him from Laban’s scheme against him, by providing him wisdom and a way out of trouble (Genesis 31:9-13). This is same with what is being said in Psalms 23:4-6

4 Even though I walk

through the darkest valley,[a]

I will fear no evil,

for you are with me;

your rod and your staff,

they comfort me.

5 You prepare a table before me

in the presence of my enemies.

You anoint my head with oil;

my cup overflows.

6 Surely your goodness and love will follow me

all the days of my life,

and I will dwell in the house of the Lord

forever. ;


(2) God gave Jacob a new name (Genesis 32:28)

Same way, if we are persistent enough to call on the attention of God by seeking Him through prayer, meditation and digging on deeper on His words, God’s protection will also be upon us, and God will also give us the right to become His child, and a perfect opportunity to learn and grow in faith; and eventually, enter His kingdom.



About Me


Hi, I'm Madellene!
I am a Christian writer and blogger.  

I also work as an accounting inventory associate. My past time is reading and writing faith-based literary like novels, poetry, self-help, devotionals. I also read books with implied faith, family & hope themes w/ spice of life.I also enjoy a good cup of coffee and a good laughter with my love ones. . . You can also catch my writings at DreamingInTheMoonlight Literary Society e-Life Book. I hope you guys enjoys your visit in my blog and let us together grow our relationship in God. God bless you all!


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