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A Learning From My Covid Experience

I got cleared of Covid last Tuesday, January 18.

After a whole week of self quarantine, I just realized that this whole Covid experience is not just a mere battle of health, but a battle of heart and faith. If you think that it is a battle for heart and faith for me because it is a matter of life and death experience, well surprisingly, physically it's a no, but spiritually, it is a big YES. Aside from colds and mild dry cough, I am perfectly fine and well for the past week. However, in spite of being physically fit, my spirituality experience an anxiety deep down because I contemplated how, at some point, how discontented I am - a portion of my heart that I failed to see - in spite of how good and faithful our God is in my life. I tend to get discontented with my job and current situation again, when I know perfectly that God put me in this current place and state for a reason.

I always get discontented for so many reason, but part of that reason is I always compare myself to others, particularly to my sisters, and when we started to compare, we also start to find things that we don't have, completely forgetting how thankful we were after we got the Lord's latest blessing and grace. Also, part of the reason why I started to compare is because I get disoriented when I hear voices from outside factors on how unhappy they were because I am where I am and should be. Here we see that if we focus on other voices aside from the Lord's, we also became out of focus and deviate of swerve fron our faith.

This is exactly opposite on how God wants us to be. Exodus 28:2-3 describes how God wants Aaron's and his son's garments as the Lord's priest should be, which will serve as their distinguishment from the people. These garments will represent the people to God (Ex. 28:12) and at the same time a way for Aaron and his sons to be rightful before God as they seek decision from the Lord(Ex. 28:15).

In the new covenant, we are the priestly kingdom of God as His people and as His sons and daughters (Exodus 19:6, 1 Peter 2:5). Now, have you ever wonder if we are really making a distinguishment as a people of God from the people of this world? Are we really setting an example by renewing our minds and perspectives and by not conforming to this world (Romans 12:2)? Are we serving as light (Matthew 5:14-16)?

As I think of those things, I realize, that surely we think we are Christians and yet we do not know the gravity and weight in our hands to the extent that we are already being complacent and not knowing that we are slowly blending to the world that which the Lord said exactly to be perishing. Because of this corruption in our mind, heart and system of life, our faith is also being corrupted.

As priestly kingdom and as Christians, we should set an example by putting our faith into action (James 1:20-25) and be the living word ourselves (2 Corinthians 3:2)



About Me


Hi, I'm Madellene!
I am a Christian writer and blogger.  

I also work as an accounting inventory associate. My past time is reading and writing faith-based literary like novels, poetry, self-help, devotionals. I also read books with implied faith, family & hope themes w/ spice of life.I also enjoy a good cup of coffee and a good laughter with my love ones. . . You can also catch my writings at DreamingInTheMoonlight Literary Society e-Life Book. I hope you guys enjoys your visit in my blog and let us together grow our relationship in God. God bless you all!


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