Faith Sisters
"The just shall live by faith."
Romans 1:17

By Madellene Peñaflor
In a world where true Christianity is being confuse with norms, beliefs, and customs, where do Christians really stands? Matthew 5:14 says, "[We] You are a light of this world. A city on a hill that cannot be hidden." How to serve as light in a world full of darkness? What is my true Identity as a Christian who is a true follower and disciple of Jesus?
By Madellene & Mariz Peñaflor
How to serve as light in a world full of darkness? What is my true Identity as a Christian who is a true follower and disciple of Jesus?
DreamingIntheMoonlight Literary Society and My Christian Identity blogs proudly presents 'Christian Identity TV' that aims to provide Godly Bible Study Programs to share the truth of the Gospel to the world.